Cheap Replica Hermes Scarf Outlet Sale
DAt Paris auctions, vintage Hermès scarves are currently going for 60 to 100 euros. If the scarf is in its box of origin, add 30 to 40 euros more to the price. The estimated price for a Hermès carré (a 90cm x 90cm square) is determined by age, condition and whether there are price tags and the original packaging. (It might seem bleeding obvious, but it is a good idea to save packaging from any luxury item whether it be Hermès, Cartier, Chanel or Baccarat.)
You say that now, but once you’re cooling, your millennium heirs might. Small luxury items can be grouped within a larger auction of succession. Every euro might count to your offspring. Or, if you are not wearing your scarf, why not sell it now while you are alive and kicking? (Treat yourself to bungee jumping or a spa weekend with the proceeds.) After a “certain age”, Hermes scarf wearing and vintage in general, can be tricky to pull off…so perhaps relieve yourself of the thing now. Granted, the antique auction market is somewhat dismal these days, but vintage mode is thriving and Hermès scarves often fetch better prices than 18th or 19th c. period furniture.
Now you are in a pickle. Hermès is rather stingy with its packaging. Don’t even think of waltzing in and asking for a box, even with your scarf in tow. It seems that the Hermès mother ship sends “just enough” boxes as scarves to their stores. One occasionally sees Hermès boxes for sale online, although eBay has banned the practice. Caution should be exercised as there seems to be a brisk business in fake boxes easier to copy than the scarves.
Here’s a huge collection of Hermés scarves I’ve found on TB. I have not GP’d any yet but several will be in my first haul.
I know a few things about Hermés scarves, but I’m not an expert. I own 3 authentics, one from the boutique, and have looked at probably a thousand on eBay/online consignment. Before I caught the H bug, I built a small collection of Pucci scarves. So I have some background but not an expert.
Here are the 3 basic facts to know to authenticate/QC a Hermés scarf:
on an auth, the edges will be hand-rolled and stitched, looking a bit irregular.
an auth will be printed on silk twill, which only moderately shiny and has a fine but visible angled weave.
an auth is actually screenprinted (silkscreened), one color at a time, which means all the colors are very crisp, and each color is on only one “layer” giving a very graphic look.
Scarves come mainly in 140cm size, 90 cm size (the famous carré), 35cm small size, pocket square, and 2 different size of twillies - thin and short classic twilly size, and wide/long maxi, and (I think vintage only?) a long fat ribbon scarf like 35cm by 120cm or so. 90cm scarves will be all silk twill. The shawls and other sizes can vary. Also, scarves have their name and typically Hermés on them as well. Sometimes it is very small, other times it’s a big part of the design. I mostly have NOT seen this in the reps, however, that doesn’t mean they’re not there.
On passability: I’m guessing a good rep can only be 70% of the way there, even with the same silk twill and hand-rolled edges, because of the printing process. Silkscreen printing multiple-color prints is very time intensive. (Hermés scarves are probably one of the few luxury goods that isn’t absurdly overpriced). I expect reps will be printed another way, due to cost/time/precision required.