High Quality Replica Hermes Handbags Online Sale
On a short flight from London to Paris, in 1983, fashion history changed forever. That’s when Jane Birkin accidentally upended her Hermès datebook, scattering papers everywhere. To her assistance? Only Hermès’s legendary leader Jean-Louis Dumas, who engaged the actress and singer in discussion for the rest of the flight. Dumas asked Birkin: What is your dream bag? He took notes. He then brought those notes to the Hermès workshop. Soon, a legend was born.
In 2015, a Birkin went for $222,000, making it the most expensive bag ever sold at auction. That record didn’t last long. In 2016, it was beat by another Birkin, which sold for $300,168. In 35 years, the Birkin’s value has increased by more than 500 percent. Like a house or a work of art, it has become an object a buyer will fly across the world to inspect before purchasing.
Is it any wonder that counterfeiters love it? Debra Kent, founder of Mightychic, has specialized in Hermès for nearly two decades and is still moved by the luxury house’s craftsmanship, quality and “world of colors.” Nonetheless, she warns, “some of the bags coming out of Italy are so good that even Hermès has a hard time telling.” To avoid being taken, the first imperative is to “know your seller,” she says. “You have to do your homework. You have to ask questions. You have to see that this is somebody that’s been around for a really long time.” You even need to know who, exactly, your seller is buying from.
And, of course, you must be familiar with the bag itself – especially the details that counterfeiters get wrong (or, worse, get right). Below, we’ve compiled a list of important features to be aware of when considering buying a piece of history.
Beneath the front flap of a real Replica Birkin Handbags is the phrase of dreams: Hermès Paris Made in France. Label stamps are lightly pressed into the leather in gold, silver or as a colorless imprint; metallics generally match the hardware. Check that the accent is correct on the è. Check that the stamp is perfectly centered, the correct distance from the top (very close to the top stitching) and that the letters are clear and fine (not heavy-handed). It shouldn’t look engraved, painted on or irregular. The label stamp may have additional markings, such as those indicating an exotic leather or a special order (a horseshoe). By familiarizing yourself with the qualities of an authentic stamp, you’ll be better prepared to win a game of “spot the fake.”
Since 2000, both lock and keys are stamped “Hermès” and numbered; the numbers on the lock will correspond with those on the keys. However, because the style of numbering has changed throughout the years, authenticating through this inconsistent detail is difficult. Instead, consider the quality of the lock and key as well as their engravings. Hardware is primarily in either gold or palladium, which lends a substantial feel. The toggle should move smoothly and all engravings should be crisp and refined.
Keys are enclosed in a leather clochette that loops through the bag’s handle. Hermès attaches keys directly to a leather band; it doesn’t use key rings. And, take a look at the clochette itself. Is the part that houses the keys made of one piece of leather folded at top and sewn at the sides? Or is it made of two pieces of leather sewn together on three sides. If the latter, it’s a fake.
It’s the Parisian equivalent of the royal guard standing outside Buckingham Palace: the “posture” of the Birkin sends a message of status and discipline. An authentic Birkin doesn’t slouch. Or bulge. It’s straight, symmetrical, assured. “It’s perfect from every angle,” says Diane D’Amato, director of luxury accessories at Heritage Auctions. Quality leather enables the Birkin to maintain its impressive form. (It also can’t hurt that Hermès has a spa in Paris dedicated to the upkeep of its classic bags.)
“Your proportions are important,” says Kent. “Does your handle look too tall? Or the face too round?” The most popular Birkin sizes are 25, 30, 35 and 40 centimeters. “Sometimes, you get a bag that’s a little bit oversized, a little bit undersized. That’s usually an indication that it’s authentic because they’re handmade, right, so not every single bag will be exactly the same.”
“One of your first giveaways to an authentic bag is the leather,” says Kent. “There’s just nothing like the smell and the feel and the look of an authentic Hermès bag.” Birkins come in a variety of leathers, including box calf, Chamonix, togo, clemence, veau swift, Epsom and fjord. Exotic leathers include alligator, crocodile and ostrich.
“Each year, Hermès Replica Bags creates different colors in different leathers,” says d’Amato. “We make sure that the leather is correct with the color. . . . Not every bag in every color is made in every leather.”